Atlanta Storms - Part 2

When storms cause damage over a wide geographical area, people tend to develop a general sense of apprehension, even fear, about trees. This is especially true for homeowners. Our trees grow very tall, and very quickly in Atlanta. They can be intimidating especially when you are standing under one.

To me a storm can seem like a wake-up call. Are my trees still safe? Will my house get it next time? After seeing how many trees failed this week, I made the decision to now remove a tree in my own yard - one that in the past, I've accepted a level of risk that was little higher than I would typically tolerate. But it is only one, and I have plenty left.

I wonder how many healthy trees will be removed because of fear. To conserve a natural resource requires planning and action, and that includes risk management. Risk management doesn't just mean that you remove all risks - it simply means you have decided what risks you are willing to tolerate, and you remove the risks that fall short of being acceptable to you. Sometimes that means getting help from someone who is willing and interested in helping you do just that.

How many of us are willing to accept the real risk of driving on the interstate and getting in an auto accident, just so that we can get to work every morning?

During my "post-storm" review of fallen trees, I found some really scary tree conditions that could have been discovered through a basic visual inspection. Other problems were not so obvious, and there lies the randomness in a storm event. In Part 3, I will be posting some graphs of my defective tree findings. Don't miss it!

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  1. MikeB said...
    This article is spot on. Instead of a reactive approach to trees lets get arborist involved from the begining and eliminate some of these problems.
    opendoor said...
    I think more information should be provided in the blog!!
    Alpharetta Home Inspection
    Jesse Milton said...
    What kinds of additional information would be most useful for you?

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