Following Sunday night's strong winds across Atlanta , radio station WGST interviewed Susan Granberry of the Georgia Forestry Commission. The main question posed to Susan was: "what should people do if they are worried about their trees?"

Susan's answer? Simple. "Homeowners should immediately inspect their trees following a storm."

Excellent idea! We like that. In fact, we recommend regular tree inspections so that a property owner is prepared before any storms. If you have vary large trees, you should have them professionally inspected at least every 3 years. If you have never had your trees inspected, now is the time. A basic inspection costs less than the yearly maintenance inspections of your furnace - and a furnace is not likely to damage anything if it falls during a storm.

Prior to making the decision to remove a tree, it is critical to determine whether the tree presents any kind of risk to your home or property. These steps are recommended to assure you are spending your money wisely and not wasting a valuable natural resource:

  1. Have your entire property inspected by an unbiased arborist. You should pay to have this service completed. A consulting arborist is going to be concerned with assessing risk, and not selling you tree removal services. It is worth every penny.
  2. Evaluate the impact the tree removal will have on your property. How will it change your landscape? Will it increase sunlight, open views, or create erosion problems? Will you need to spend additional resources in cleanup, landscaping, or replanting?
  3. Investigate the local laws concerning tree removal. The Atlanta area has many municipal ordinances that regulate tree removal on private property. Contact your local office of Community Development or City Manager. Don't forget to refer to your community and HOA by-laws as well. Many golf-course communities also have covenants affecting the removal of trees and vegetation.
Onebark provides several affordable consulting packages for homeowners and community managers.

Last Tuesday, I had the pleasure of presenting with Specimen Tree's Robert Swanson. We gave a 1-hour primer on the basics of tree diagnosis. Rob taught an overview of tree energy systems, while I delved into the art of diagnosing tree pathology. Afterwards we enjoyed socializing with the Georgia Arborist Association's members. Please contact me if you would like the presentation notes.

Company leader Jesse Milton has received a Top Viewed Author Award from Google Knol, a badge given to authors that have the highest number of pageviews. The award is partly a result of his work on the Dogwood Manual.

Sandy Springs

We are excited to announce that Onebark is offering our services to the citizens and contractors in Sandy Springs! Starting now we can help:

- Draft documentation for tree removal permits
- Prepare Site Tree Conservation Plans for building permits and land disturbance
- Provide expert witness services
- Consult with homeowners
- Develop tree management plans and tree diagnosis reports

Call us at 678-344-6948 or submit a contact request.

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